3.6g protein
Superfood highlights
مليء بمضادات الأكسدة وفيتامين سي
Almond Butter
مصدر غني بالدهون الصحية، البروتين، وفيتامين E
Chia Seeds
Loaded with omega-3 fatty acids and dietary fiber
Three Benefits
Rich in Antioxidants
Thanks to the blueberries and hemp seeds
High Protein
Hemp seeds and chia seeds provide a complete amino acid profile
Heart Health and Skin Nourishment
Almond butter supports cardiovascular health and contributes to healthy, glowing skin
How to prepare
اخرج مكعبات السموذي من الفريزر
Choose a smoothie wheel, pour warm water briefly to loosen the cubes, and pop them into the blender.
استمتع بوجبة صحية أو شاركها مع الآخرين
Blend 8 cubes with 250 ml (one cup) of liquid for a complete meal or to share with loved ones, or mix 4 cubes with 125 ml (half a cup) of liquid for a delightful snack. For liquid pairing tips, see the bottom of the Rawgen Prep page.
امزج باستخدام الخلاط لنكهة مثالية وشارك الطعم اللذيذ مع الآخرين
In less than a minute, transform these nutrient-rich cubes into a gourmet smoothie. Ideal as your morning boost, workout fuel, or a satisfying meal replacement – perfect for enjoying solo or sharing with loved ones.